
We are currently a family of five.  Michael, Grace and the kids Naomi (4), Etienne (2) and Madeline (under 1).

For the last eight years, we have been on a spiritual pilgrimage of sorts.  Living by choice in simple places surrounded by simple people.

Our family is an adventuring bunch. We travel frequently and love to hike, camp, ride bicycle and stop at any adventure along the way. We call ourselves Brother Chicory, which is the name of our folk band as well as our adventurer alias.

A little over eight years ago, before the children came along, we abandoned college, jobs in radio production and tree-climbing and a traditional American consumer life to find something different. Since then we have lived in tents, on farms and in communities. We live simply with very few possessions and our family is extremely tight-knit.

Having children has not stopped us, though we have had to recalculate the specifics of our adventures with the little ones in mind.  They love to travel.

Our life's goal is to show people how simple it really is. After eight years, we have distilled our philosophies that we set out to create. Now, we are more excited than ever to share our journey and adventure life by showing people how to live this simple but real life.  

Our message is this: Learn to live a simple life as free of fossil-fuels as possible. Care for the earth, immerse yourself in outdoor beauty and feel the rewards; your improved health and outlook, a new true communion with others, engaging fully without distraction and learn how these steps fuel the hope of future generations.