If you know us well, you know that we only wear Darn Tough socks. They are simply the best. If they ever do wear out, Darn Tough will replace them with no questions asked. It's a pretty amazing deal. You just have to make sure you don't lose them. We've been touting the benefits of Darn Tough to our friends and family for about two years now and we are super happy to announce that Darn Tough is our first official bike-tour sponsor!

Whether you are a pretty active person or not, these socks are the way to go. They are supremely comfortable, don't bunch or stretch out and what's best (for me) is that they won't let you get blisters. It's pretty amazing the difference a good sock makes to an active lifestyle! If you don't own any yet, go out and buy a pair. You'll be an instant convert for life.
We love Darn Tough!